Creative Go CreateSmart Initiative Exhibition

The CreateSmart Initiative (CSI), a specialized fund established by the Government in 2009 to foster the growth of creative industries, is nearing its remarkable 10th anniversary. In commemoration of this milestone, a roving exhibition has been curated to spotlight and celebrate Hong Kong design projects that have received funding through CSI. The exhibition is displayed in various locations such as Tai Kwan, K11, D2 Place, and IFC, marking the upcoming 10th anniversary of the CreateSmart Initiative (CSI). It aims to highlight and celebrate Hong Kong design projects that received funding from CSI. The showcased projects demonstrate the diverse outcomes resulting from the initiative's support over the past decade.

  • client

    CreateHK of HKSAR

  • location

    Tai Kwun/K11/IFC/D2 place

  • stauts

    Completed in 2019

  • type

    Completed in 2019