BE@RBRICK MACAU - Would’s First Immersive BE@RBRICK Art Exhibition

BE@RBRICK MACAU, the world's inaugural immersive BE@RBRICK Art Exhibition, stands as a featured showcase within the "Art Macao: Macao International Art Biennale 2023." Nestled within the Pearl Lobby of Galaxy, the exhibition space transforms into a clandestine garden overflowing from a subtly elevated box. This above-ground enclosure is seamlessly concealed within the verdant expanse, evoking a captivating forest-like ambience. Steel bars and mesh, enveloped in lush greenery, further augment the overall sylvan and floral atmosphere, heightening the sensory experience.The primary gallery unveils an impressive display of over 50 BE@RBRICK creations. Complementing this, the "BE@RBRICK Garden" Mirror Room and the "BE@RBRICK Infinity" Immersive Room offer visitors an engaging and interactive experience within the exhibition space, adding an extra layer of enchantment to the artistic panorama.

  • client

    Global Communications Advertising & Marketing Ltd

  • location

    The Galaxy, Macau

  • stauts

    completed in 2023

  • type

    completed in 2023

Pink Bearbrick standing on a white platform, guest walk by
Immersive mirror room with garden decorations and bearbricks
entrance of bearbrick macau entrance
Immersive area with projection